Friday, January 13, 2017

How to insure a life

Deciding to insure your life, you first of all insure yourself out of trouble. But the troubles are different. Who is afraid of a stroke, someone frightens possible attack of bandits, and someone does not give rest to the thought of frequent crashes. Therefore, life insurance program and accident insurance, too, can be very different among themselves.

Life insurance is considered to be long-term types of insurance, so it is usually such policies are designed, at the very least, for 3-5 years, the maximum term is usually 20 years. Such insurance programs operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The classic life insurance can be considered funded insurance program "Capital" Company "Ingosstrakh". It falls into the category of lifetime, that is designed for people who want to leave their loved ones in a certain amount as an inheritance. Since the release of your life insurance policy is insured by the high amount significantly greater than the total amount of contributions that will pay. When the owner of the policy dies, designated by the beneficiary receives the insurance payment.

Insurance risk is considered to be withdrawal from life, for any reason during the period of insurance. Additionally, for a fee, it is proposed to include in the conditions of the insurance contract the possibility of exemption from the payment of insurance premiums in the event of the establishment of disability group I or II. This means that, becoming disabled, you do not pay premiums, but beneficiaries after your death (for example, your children) will receive insurance compensation in full.

During the term of the insurance is the accrual of investment income. The customer can choose the period of contribution, based on their needs and capabilities - 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. Alternatively, you can mark the end of the deadline for payment of contributions for the insurance year yield retired or reaching 75 years of age. Age limit - not less than 18 and not older than 75 years.

The customer has the right to terminate the insurance and get paid for the insurance money - the redemption amount plus accrued investment income. Insurance and the redemption amount is calculated annually, taking into account the accrued investment income.

Some insurance companies offer life insurance programs, which include the addition of such a risk, as the death of the insured, and even damage to his health. It turns out a kind of hybrid of life insurance and accident insurance. They may be for life or have a certain validity period.

For example, the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh-Life" offers life insurance program "Family". Its purpose is to accumulate the planned amount by the end of the term of the insurance contract. At the same time, of course, the insurance coverage is valid.

Thus, there are two options of insurance. The so-called "endowment insured" means that the owner of the policy lived up to the expiry of the insurance contract and received the agreed sum insured in it, taking into account accrued income on it. When selecting the base case of insurance program is charged only dynamic guaranteed yield of 4-6% per annum. Option "Prestige" can provide a higher yield, the company promises to 13.5%, however, with the proviso that there are no guarantees about the amount of income not, it depends on the company's investment activity results and financial market conditions.

If the owner of the policy will not live up to the expiry of the contract, the beneficiary claims, which can be ten times more than the money that supposed to pay with "survival of the insured."

Can insure aged 18 to 70 years. The period of payment of contributions or equal to the term of the insurance contract or the shorter it for 4 years (when the term of the insurance for at least 7 years).

If you wish, you can complement the insurance contract is a condition in which the insurance acts as a protection against the risk of injury. You can only insure against injury, which led to the preparation of I and II groups of disability.

Obtaining compensation upon the occurrence of one or more insurance claims does not negate the receipt of insurance payment at the end of the term of the insurance contract.

Other additional condition frees you from paying fees if you set the I or II non-working group of disability in the period of payment of insurance contributions. At the same time at the end of the contract the insured amount is paid in full, but will no longer be paid the insurance compensation in case of injury to the insured during the remaining period of validity of the insurance.
Accident insurance

The principal difference between accident insurance from life insurance

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