Saturday, January 28, 2017

Acceptance into the inheritance

Under the actual adoption of the inheritance law is the fact that the heir is actually entered in control or in the right to property (house, apartment). Of course, if he had previously resided, and more, and was registered in the apartment or house that are hereditary mass, it is, for obvious reasons, it is in fact the owner of the property. Since he pays utility bills, landline phone and enjoy things and utensils in the apartment or house after the death of the testator.

Legal advice online as other evidence can be presented and the agreements that have been concluded with the organizations of the heir to repair apartments or, for example, the alarm unit in a residential area, meters of water or other utility equipment. These arguments are compelling notary can recognize and issue the necessary documents for the registration of his property rights without any problems.

However, the notary may refuse to issue such a successor document. The motive may be different: it is out of time; and the lack of documents that the notary considers necessary to provide. In this case, can only apply to the court. And with the help of witnesses, confirming the acceptance of a particular property or residence in a residential area, or other evidence presented to convince the court that he actually accepted the inheritance in a timely manner.

If the court decides that the heir to prove actual entry into inheritance, on the basis of the solution, the notary will give the citizen the necessary evidence. With this evidence, it is already possible to apply to the authority registering the rights to immovable property, and to receive the document of his right to the immovable part of the hereditary mass. Only after this procedure, the actual heir has the right to dispose of the hereditary estate. Acceptance into the inheritance

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