Monday, February 6, 2017

How to choose a criminal defense lawyer?

How to choose a criminal defense lawyer?

You can not protect yourself from troubles and problems. As much as we wanted, but it is always possible situations that can come into our lives and threaten its steady flow, upset all our plans.

In the first place, with the threat of criminal liability, it is necessary to find a good lawyer. Criminal lawyer must have a number of criteria on which it is necessary to choose. In this article we briefly describe all the moments of choice and explain their significance, as well as the nuances of what you need to be sure to pay attention to.

Occupation criminal defense involves and represents, above all, the defense of our interests and our human rights representative who has committed a criminal offense. This, unfortunately, is one of the major articles of the Criminal Code, and for obvious reasons, to the choice of the criminal lawyer should be approached very carefully.
Do not chase cheapness

The first and absolute truth - the good is rarely free. Do not choose a free criminal lawyer. "Free Consultation" slaboprofilnogo lawyer absolutely does not fit your situation. A good criminal attorney often knows her worth, and it is considerable, but if such a professional receives a fee, he feels responsibility and seeks only get a positive result.

Reputation - general view of the advantages and disadvantages ...

Criminal lawyer, of course, must have already some experience and, consequently, the reputation of which it is necessary to take into account when choosing. Reputation is the general opinion of him, and it is quite important. With such a choice is not particularly trust the press, spectacular advertising criminal lawyer can not give virtually no guarantee that exactly what you need. About the reputation lawyer is best to learn from a loved one, a description and a brief summary will help you learn the good and bad sides and opinions, which formed about him. Here, it is important to take into account the popularity of the lawyer is in criminal cases. Perhaps you do not have a loved one who would have the knowledge, then you need to find someone with authority (it would be great if it is somehow connected with the system of criminal procedure), which can you introduced himself as a good specialist.
Education - an important aspect of

It often happens that, unfortunately, the Council did not ask anyone, and you have to choose a criminal lawyer. In a situation when the Board of nowhere to wait and find out about the reputation of the lawyer is difficult, it is worth paying attention to the factors that you can learn without friends and acquaintances, for example, the level of education of a criminal lawyer.

It is clear that in criminal cases the lawyer must have a university degree. Pay attention to the university, where he received, which hosted the practice. In addition, criminal lawyer must be entered in the register of the Chamber of Attorneys, and also have the status of lawyer. The presence of both of them you can always find on the Internet means.

By the way, do not always pay attention to the number of publications in various professional journals and scientific degrees lawyer. A good expert is not always enough time to such work, so too abundant "scientific interest" of your criminal attorney may talk about his lack of demand in the other status that you just needed. Choose a practice, not a theorist.
practice of law

If you have already selected the suitable candidates that suit you on the above parameters, do not miss a very important point. Criminal lawyer should, for its part to prepare for you a list of your accomplishments and achievements in the work, always confirmed by documents.

It is also important the experience of legal practice and specialization. For obvious reasons, the more experience, the more various techniques and capabilities in selected specialist you. Also be sure to pay attention to the positive decision of the court on the case, which were actually won by a grip, skills and abilities of a criminal lawyer.

An important role can also play a lawyer experience gained in the service and work with law enforcement agencies, because a criminal lawyer is obliged to know the entire system from the inside, the nuances and personal acquaintances to help with the work and conduct of criminal proceedings.
Good manners - an indicator of human dignity

Sometimes the appearance and manner of human behavior reveals about him very much, and said no worse than a good resume. Be sure to pay attention to the manners and behavior of your future criminal lawyer. You can not miss a single detail in these times is the key to success. Self-confidence, personal charisma, ability to persuade, intelligence - these are the qualities that certainly has a true professional in their field.

Do not just trust a criminal lawyer who promised you a hundred percent and absolute result. This specialist always weigh all the "pros" and "cons", but never promise

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